purpose@work: Conversations That Matter (Episode 1)

I am excited to introduce this new video blog (vlog) series: purpose@work.  SIGN-UP for my infrequent newsletter to get the latest Conversations That Matter.  The one thing I am focused on with this series, and all my services, is how to increase employee engagement from this very sad 15% globally (according to Gallup).  There is a lot of research that proves, purpose-driven leadership is a key element in having more inspired employees (even higher than engagement).  ASK ME for my white paper: The Playbook for Purpose-Driven Employee Engagement where I've curated the latest research on the current and future state of engagement.

My first guest aligns in a great way with focusing on customer experience AND employee experience/engagement.  Diane M. Magers, is the CEO of the Customer Experience Professionals Association (CXPA).

Diane serves at the CEO and helps support providing value and community for each and every member and partner. She is a firm believer that it "takes a village" to help everyone succeed. She knows our work as CX practitioners are very tough and extremely important. Anyone who knows Diane would say she's very passionate about customer and employee experience and a driven change agent. Diane has over 25 years experience building and transforming organizations around their customers and employees – from the front line to infrastructure - working in and with brands such as Sysco, Invisalign, and AT&T.

Quick facts about Diane

  • She started her professional career as a clinical psychologist
  • Her first business venture with a friend started in the basement of his house and the company to $3M and 140 employees 4 years later - the entrepreneurial bug was born!
  • She was an exchange student to Australia in high school, which launched her passion for travel

She would love you to contact her to learn more about CXPA: Diane@cxpa.org.

Please reach out to me if you know great leaders that are "walking the talk" in practicing intrinsic motivation in all aspects of their company culture: Bobby@BobbyBakshi.com.



Know Your Fear. Feel Your Power.